Membership Form

Please fill this complete membership from, accept declaration & oath and click submit form to proceed to payment option.

      Personal Information

    Your Name

    Date of Birth

    Name of Husband/Father

    Local Address

    Permanent Address

    Mobile/Telephone Number

    Email Address


      Referrer Details

    Member Id

    Member Date of Birth

      Upload Your Passport Size Photo(Image only)

      Upload Your Document(minimum two documents required, only images)

    Voter Id Card

    PAN Card

    Driving Licence


    Adhaar Card(UID)

      Self Declaration & Oath Acceptance (Acceptance of both are required)

    I do hereby declare that the information given in the above form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing relevant has been concealed therefrom. In case any given information is found to be incorrect or wrong then my membership may be cancelled you may initiate legal action me. I have taken the membership of this organization on my own desire and wishes being convinced by its aims & objectives and that there is no pressure if any sort from any one. I understand that this organization has been formed in order to curb and bring an end to violation of human rights.

    I accept the above declaration.

    Oath Acceptance:
    I as a member of Tejasvi Astitva Foundation do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under that:
    1) I shall contribute honestly and sincerely in the development work pertaining to Public Interest .
    2) With all my sincerity and honesty I shall try my level best to attend / join all the meetings of the organization.
    3) I shall put all my efforts to ensure restoration of proper justice In case of any injustice or cruelty caused to any member of the society / community or in case of any violation of Human Rights.
    4) I shall always stand first in the interest of the Nation, whatsoever, wherever, whenever required for.
    5) I shall put in all my best efforts in the establishment of Religious Harmony, brotherhood & peace everywhere.
    6) I shall put in all my best efforts to eradicate caste based and religion based discrimination and campaign for only one caste and one Religion - Humanity, the one and only one Religion on the earth.
    7) I shall put in best of all my efforts in the establishment of a new society where none would be incapable, helpless or enable.
    8) I am aware and fully understand that the organization does not guarantee victory or positive results to any work undertaken by them nor are / is in any way / manner bound to give positive results.
    9) I understand properly that the organization has been established to fight for my legal rights and does not or can not guarantee winning results and the organization is not responsible for any such defeat or loss in any fight that it fights for and on behalf of me and against the violation of Human Rights
    10) I also understand to the fullest extent that in case any of the information or data provided by me to the organization is found incorrect or wrong, I shall be liable to face legal prosecution against myself at entirely my own risk cost and consequences.
    11) I also understand to the full extent that in case I am found committing anywhere at any time any criminal offence, my membership temporary or permanent or whatever shall be cancelled with immediate effect and that I shall also be liable to face criminal prosecution at entirely my own risk, cost and consequences.

    I accept oath.

      Prove that you are a human